
Showing posts from October, 2020

Breaking the Fear of Failure

In order to be the best in sport, being able to handle pressure is critical. It is what makes us continually raise our game in response to what is going on around us and challenge those boundaries we once saw as limits. Instead of using this pressure as a stimulant and a positive presence, I found myself getting slightly overwhelmed by it and then shying away. I was afraid of failing so I was never reached my limit, I preferred to play safe rather than risk not completing something.   Recently I have started working with Gazing Performance Systems on their Red2Blue Approach. I had recognised that this was an area that needed work and I am now in the process of learning and finding out how I can strengthen this and help myself. I want to be able to embrace discomfort and use it to help me attack rather than get scared. Am going to share some of my thoughts along the way, as it is not only applicable to sports but everything that we do.   First of all, mindset, mental toughness whatever