Asking for Help Doesn't Make You Weak

We all as people find it far too easy to come up with excuses telling ourselves when we don’t feel just quite right it is normal and we just need to get on with it. Now, A) this isn't wrong, because what is normal? But B) if we don't feel quite right why do we just ignore it instead of giving the treatment and attention it needs early on? It really is no different to a physical injury.

If we think about it, there is no normal. Because who decides what normal is? The only things we should ever compare in life is ourselves, how we have felt before, how we feel now, stuff like that. It is very ordinary to have ups and downs, because things change and life moves on, but recognising these differences just mean we are being observant.

To be able to come out and speak up about how you're feeling shows that you are strong. It shows that, if you aren't feeling so good, you want to feel different, because you know how this difference feels. You can recognise that you may not feel too good right now, but you remember how you felt when everything was ok. You want to see a change.

There are obviously going to be times that we go through which we find particularly difficult. It could be the first time feeling like this or it could be post recovery if we have lapsed from where we were. Its so easy to be like actually you know what, clearly wasn't for me just gonna carry on down my old route. But what is the point in that?

I will always speak very very openly about my journey, because I really feel like its something that we just continue learning about as life goes on. For me talking about it actually really helps, in a way, its like just proof to myself the acceptance that it is ok not to be ok.
I am very open about the fact that I am not yet recovered and the fact that I am able to speak openly about it is because I know where I want to get to, I have goals and I know what it is like to feel 'different.' Recently I needed to get some help again because I was able to recognise I really wasn't coping. Automatically, I blamed myself for this. I jumped straight to oh come on its not that bad just get on with it, stop being such a drama queen; I felt weak, like I was being a hassle.
I stuck with it though, the more times I fight these thoughts, the less they will occur. The strength it takes from within to actually challenge this is huge because admitting to someone that things aren't going that well is really not easy! That 100% does not mean though, that it is not possible.

You have to remember that there are reasons systems are in place for when things are tough, people to talk to and routes we can go down. They are not just there to look pretty, we need to use them. And why on earth should this make us weak? I mean, confessing when you've done something wrong doesn't make you look weak- you're looked at for being brave, audacious and do you know what, very honest. So why when we ask for help should it be any different?
Suffering in silence is only going to make thoughts grow and overtime make these thoughts more and more real to us.

Life is for living...and experimenting. Each time we feel a bit like what's the point, we have to remember that there is a reason otherwise we wouldn't have started in the first place.

We don't just do an experiment once, get one result and think there we are 100% reliable, I've reached my conclusion. No, you have to repeat things, and if things don't go right we repeat them again and again until we have reached that stable conclusion.

If everyone were to speak up about the times that we actually haven't felt so good, the misconceptions we carry with speaking out would gradually begin to disappear. Because you know what, it is very very ordinary to need help. Or even just to need someone to talk to.

As much as some of you would like to think, we aren't quite unbreakable, and that is just life.


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